PRESS Publick Playhouse In this exhibition, Fran Oviedo’s paintings allude to her native country of Chile, where she lived for much of her life. However, being that her work is abstract landscapes and, in some cases, reaching complete abstraction, the viewer can be transported anywhere in the world or from their imagination. Oviedo’s works largely reflect her inner, optimistic and adventurous world, and that gets further influenced by particular situations she is in. La Cosecha Esta exhibición presenta obras dinámicas de pintura abstracta de la artista chilena Francisca Oviedo. El trabajo de Francisca es principalmente técnica mixta sobre lienzo. La exposición “Post Primavera” es el resultado del trabajo realizado por el artista durante las temporadas de primavera de 2021 y 2022. Explorando sus emociones a través de colores y texturas, Francisca quiere evocar la felicidad y el positivismo en el espectador, como una forma de celebrar la vida después de los momentos difíciles que nos ha tocado vivir. Aplicando capas de pintura, collage, textiles y patrones de costura, construye formas dando y quitando. Languages of Fiber These artists show cast distinctive approaches utilizing fiber through a variety of media, influenced by their diverse cultures of Latin America.Artists:Maria Luisa Benavides, Teresa Camacho Hull, Felisa Federman, Magaly Garza, Cristina Montero and Francisca Oviedo, Sandra Perez-Ramos and Roxana Rojas Luzon. Judge, 2021 paint the town Labor Day show It is never easy to categorize excellence among more than 400 pieces of top-notch artwork, and yet I was faced with such a challenge in judging this show. I was very impressed with the craftsmanship in the execution of each work and have deep admiration for each artist’s sincerity in their creation. I am certain that you will agree with me that the awardees very much deserve all the merit and applause for works well done. Art in the garden Brookside Gardens is excited to announce its partnership with Wheaton Arts Parade to bring our visitors Pyramids 2021 from June 11 through September 19, 2021. The outdoor exhibition features thirteen works of art by sixteen local artists and highlights the diversity of Montgomery County. Wheaton arts parade When the COVID pandemic prevented the 4th annual Wheaton Arts Parade & Festival last September, WAP brought art to the streets and sidewalks of Wheaton where it could be appreciated safely. Why pyramids? Wheaton is formed by the intersection of three state highways, creating what is known as the Wheaton Triangle. The annual parade is called “Parade the Triangle” and a triangle has been featured on many of the parade posters. New Member September Spotlight Fran’s artistic motivation developed in early childhood as she began to notice and appreciate the arts and crafts around her house. From a very young age, her vacations were spent in her grandparents' farm, which helped develop her creativity and acquire a special sensitivity for the landscape and nature. A pause in time “A Pause in Time” reflects limited space, a pause in time, schedule, and routine; just like we are experiencing in these difficult times. But there is a window with light, reminding us there is hope and that in this moment we are safe in our most intimate space. Sección artistas DS welt ¿Cómo elaboramos la sociedad en la que vivimos y en la cual trabajamos? ¿Cómo sentimos y pensamos nuestra vida interior y nuestro sentido de la belleza? Existen distintas respuestas a estas preguntas. En esta Sección de Artistas, van a confluir distintas voces de exalumnos. Hoy te vamos a presentar a 3 Aristas DS Welt. Montgomery art association at art enables Art Enables is pleased to welcome our friends at The Montgomery Art Association back to our gallery for a new, MAA-curated exhibition of recent works by their members. Works span a range of 2D media and styles, showcasing the diverse talents of the group. The Montgomery Art Association, a nonprofit, supports the visual arts and artists in Montgomery County and the DC metro area. MAA offers their nearly 300 members opportunities to display and sell their work and strives to make a vital contribution to our community.